
Caso de Chloe Jane Miller e sua bebé Ariana – Reino Unido

Chloe Jane Miller wrote on her facebook page: ❤️Ariana Lexie-May ❤️ 23 November 2018❤️7lb3oz❤️ “STOP FORCED ADOPTION I WANT MY BABY HOME ?”. Chloe added: “Court granted adoption for my little girl on Wednesday asked to appeal but wasn’t granted” – 25 May 2020     As you can see the Love for her baby […]


A TOTE BAG FOR SANTIAGO – Um Saco para Encontrar o Santiago

Como sabes eu procuro o meu Santiago. Neste momento tenho um plano. Para concretizar este objectivo preciso de angariar 4000 libras (4517 euros). Infelizmente nao posso partilhar aqui o plano por motivos de que podem adivinhar. Eu nao te quero pedir dinheiro. Ja me ajudaram muito. Estamos a viver momentos em que ha pessoas que


Why Blog? kidnapping

Why Blog?

Why Blog? We need to save our baby. We love our baby and we want him back. Leonardo and I have done nothing wrong to our baby: Santiago, born on the 1st February 2016, but he was kidnapped by Social Services from us at only 5 days old. Judge Baker from the High Court of


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